Atlanta Tamil Church

Sunday School

Proverbs 22:6  “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.

Learning about Jesus Christ at an early age is a privilege all kids should have and is a priority in our Children’s Ministry. Atlanta Tamil Church Sunday School meets every Sunday at our church starting at 10:00 AM. We have classes for all age groups. Dedicated teachers take care of and nourish the children with Godly wisdom.

We request parents to please fill in this form for New Student Registration at our Sunday School.

If you would like to volunteer at Sunday School, please fill out this Volunteer Form

Please fill in the event form for the upcoming Sunday School Events – Event Registration Form 


These are the class groups:
Class 1. Little Flowers – Preschool Kindergarten, Grade 1
Class 2. Primary 1 Class – Grade 2 to Grade 3
Class 3. Primary 2 Class – Grade 4 to Grade 5
Class 4. Intermediate Class – Middle School
Class 5. Youth Class – High School and above


Little Flowers: HEART SHAPER
This Bible-centered classroom-based quarterly curriculum helps kids build a relationship with God. It engages students in Bible stories through multisensory learning, Bible skill-building activities, and focused life application.

This curriculum follows the natural four-step learning cycle (motivational lesson starters, engaging Bible stories with review activities, memory verse practice, fun student activities, and real-life applications) to help teachers reach every child the way God made them. Understanding the Bible sections provides interesting information about each Scripture passage.

Intermediate: The Christian Life by Kara Powel
The Christian Life by Kara Powel gives Younger Teens a Grip on Who God is and How to Grow in Him!
This straightforward presentation of the Gospel first explores who God is – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – and then guides students through their relationships with God. Students will learn that God loves them no matter what; Jesus Christ is the only way to have a relationship with God, and the Holy Spirit lights the way to God.

An Overview of the Old Testament: Studying the Old Testament is essential to know the Lord of Hosts, Our Creator, and to have a true understanding of the Bible and God’s unfolding of the greatest love to humankind. This month the youth will take a deeper look at THE PROPHETIC BOOKS.

Training for Life- 1,2 Timothy; Titus: As students study the letters Paul wrote to Timothy and Titus, they will learn how to use God’s Word to become like Christ and flee temptation. Students will be given opportunities to practice the truths they learn about godly living so that they will be ready to handle difficult life situations.

Paul’s Missionary Journey Maps: Apostle Paul’s missionary journeys helped spread the gospel throughout much of the ancient world. Over the course of his ministry, he traveled more than 10,000 miles and established at least 14 churches. Paul’s travels played a crucial role in the formation and development of the early Christian church. Many of the communities he encountered on these missionary journeys were the same ones he wrote to in his pastoral epistles.

SESSIONS:(Schedule for May 2024)

Praise and Worship – 10:00 am to 10:45 am
  Elementary – ATC Youth
  Inter, Youth – Ms. Carolyn Justifus

Classes – 10:45am to 11:45 pm
  Little Flowers: Sis. Babinshiya Gurupatham
  Primary 1: Sis. Priya Raja
  Primary 2: Sis. Janani Rajesh
  Inter: Sis. Suba Yogarajan
  Youth: Pastor Gabriel Tuten

Our Sunday school is dedicated to teaching the Word of God and making disciples who are willing to live for Jesus at home and at school. The curriculum enables teachers to reach every child according to their individual learning styles and have fun in the process.

We invite your children to be a part of our Sunday school.